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Breeding species information and growth records

Flowering records will be updated sequentially. I will put the withered type properly without being ashamed. It is a so-called memorandum.

I'm growing up beautifully. Information is commonplace, but there isn't much information I've done ...

That kind of information is surprisingly important, isn't it?

By the way, the information written here is written with reference to domestic and overseas sites and treatises, but there may be some misunderstandings or simply misuse of words.

Also, it includes a lot of my personal interpretations and opinions, so I hope you enjoy it while taking a look at it .

■ Tillandsia species

・ Aeranthos'Miniata'

・ Aguascalientensis

・ Aizoides

・ Albida

・ Albertiana

・ Andicola

・ Araujei

・ Araujei v. minima

・ Argentea

・ Bailey'Viviparaus Form'(Halley's Comet)

・ Bergeri

・ Bermejoensis

・ Bullbosa'Mini Brazil'

・ Caliginosa

・ Capillaris f. Virescens

・ Capitata'Peach'

・ Capitata'Mauve'

・ Capitata var. Domingensis (currently capitata)

・ Caput-medusae

・ Chiapensis

・ Cocoensis

・ Comarapaensis

・ Coalcomanensis

Crista-galli (2018/12/15)

・ Diaguitensis

・ Diguetii

・ Dura

・ Duratii

・ Edithiae

・ Ehlersiana

・ Fuchsii v. fuchsii

・ Fuchsii f. Gracilis

・ Funckiana

・ Funckiana'Golden Leaf'

・ Funckiana v. Recurvifolia

・ Filifolia

・ Gardneri v. Rupicola

・ Glabrior

・ Harrisii

・ Heteromorpha

・ Hondurensis

・ Incarnata

・ Intermediate

・ Ionantha'Albino'

・ Ionantha'Albo-marginata'

・ Ionantha'Big Boy'

・ Ionantha'Curly Giant'

・ Ionantha'Fat Boy'

・ Ionantha'Fuego'

・ Ionantha'Gordo Silver Select'

・ Ionantha'Grace'

・ Ionantha'Guatemala'

・ Ionantha'Hazel Nut'

Ionantha'Mardi Gras' (2018/12/31)

・ Ionantha'Maxima'

・ Ionantha'Maxima Albino'

・ Ionantha'Monstrosa'

Ionantha'Ron' (2018/12/31)

   Ionantha'Ron FP Select' ( 2021/8/9)

・ Ionantha'Peach'(Purple Flower)

・ Ionantha'Peach'(White Flower)

・ Ionantha'Selecta'

・ Ionantha'Tall Velvet'

・ Ionantha'Zebrina'

・ Ionantha f . Fastigiata

・ Ionantha v. van-hyningii

・ Ixioides'Blue Albino'

・ Jonesii

・ Jucunda

・ Juncea

・ Kammii

・ Karwinskyana

Klausii (2019/1/19)

・ Latifolia

・ Leonamiana

・ Lorentziana

・ Magnusiana

・ Malyi

・ Mauryana

・ Mima v. chiletensis

Minutiflora (formerly bryoides)

・ Mittlaensis

・ Myosura

・ Nana

・ Neglecta

・ Paleacea

・ Pedicellata

Penascoensis (2021/8/9)

・ Pruinosa

・ Pueblensis

・ Purpurea'Shooting Star'

・ Schatzlii

・ Seleriana

・ Schiedeana

・ Sprengeliana

・ Stellifera

・ Straminea'Apurimac'

・ Straminea'Tall White'

・ Streptocarpa

・ Streptophylla

・ Stricta'White Angel'

・ Stricta'Confetti'

・ Sucrei

・ Superinsignis

・ Tectorum

・ Tomasellii

・ Toropiensis

・ Trichholepis

・ Usneoides

・ Usneoides'Curly Form'

・ Usneoides'Marble Flower'

・ Xerographica

・ Xiphioides

■ Tillandsia hybrids

・ Belloensis × flabellata

・'Califano' (T. baileyi × T. ionantha)

・'Curly Slim' (T. intermedia × T. streptophylla)

・ Harrisii × achyrostachys

・'Leo J'  (T. ionantha × T. bulbosa)

・'Redy' (T. streptophylla × T. concolor) 

・'Show Time'  (T. bulbosa × T. streptophylla)

・'Twisted Tim' (T. intermedia × T. capitata)

・'Victoria' (T. ionantha x T. brachycaulos)

■ Bromelia

・ Aechmea nudicaulis'Chiriqui Grande'

・ Aechmea nudicaulis'San Lorenzo'

・ Aechmea recurvata'Red Form'

・ Aechmea recurvata'Artichoke'

・ Billbergia amoena v. Stronifera

・ Billbergia manarae

Billbergia vittata'Domingos Martins' (2018/12/16)


・ Billbergia'Appletini'

・ Billbergia'Beadleman '

・ Billbergia'Caramba'

Billbergia'Darth Vader' (2019/1/19)

・ Billbergia'Fantasia'

・ Billbergia'Flamenco'

・ Billbergia'Gerda'

・ Billbergia'La Noche'

・ Billbergia'Novena'

・ Billbergia'Pink Patches'

・ Billbergia'Pipeline'

・ Billbergia'Tequila Sunset'

・ Canistropsis correia-araujoi

・ Cryptanthus argyrophyllus

・ Dyckia encholirioides

・ Dyckia SND (Keswick × goehringii Red Form)

・ Goudaea ospinae v. Gruberi'White'

・ Hohenbergia correia-araujei

・ Hohenbergia edmundoi

・ Hohenbergia lemei

・ Hohenbergia leopoldo-horstii (Dan clone)

・ Hohenbergia pennnae

Neoregelia abendrothae

Neoregelia albiflora

Neoregelia amandae

Neoregelia ampullacea'Bert'

Neoregelia ampullacea'Merlo Hill'

Neoregelia ampullacea'Purple Haze'

Neoregelia ampullacea'RoYal Flush'

Neoregelia ampullacea'Tropical'

Neoregelia ampullacea'Walking Tigrina'

Neoregelia bahiana

Neoregelia bahiana'diamantinensis clone'

Neoregelia binotii

Neoregelia capixaba

Neoregelia carcharodon'Rainbow'

Neoregelia carcharodon'Red Spesial, Brazil'

Neoregelia carcharodon'Silver'

Neoregelia carcharodon'Tiger'

Neoregelia carolinae'Tricolor'

Neoregelia chlorosticta'Best Clone'

Neoregelia coimbrae

Neoregelia compacta

Neoregelia cruenta

Neoregelia cruenta v. Rubra

Neoregelia cyanea

Neoregelia doeringiana

Neoregelia dungsiana

・ Neoregelia gavionensis

Neoregelia guttata

Neoregelia hoehneana

Neoregelia kautskyi

Neoregelia kerryi

・ Neoregelia laevis

・ Neoregelia leviana

Neoregelia liliputiana

・ Neoregelia maculata

Neoregelia marmorata

Neoregelia martinellii

Neoregelia myrmecophylla

Neoregelia nivea

Neoregelia olens

Neoregelia pauciflora

Neoregelia pendura

Neoregelia punctatissima

Neoregelia punctatissima'Yellow Banded'

Neoregelia punctatissima v. Rubra

Neoregelia roethii

Neoregelia rubrovittata

Neoregelia sapiatibensis

· N Eoregelia Sarmentosa V. Chlorosticta (2019/1/19)

Neoregelia smithii

Neoregelia sp. (Leme, Brazil)

Neoregelia tigrina

Neoregelia wilsoniana

Neoregelia zaslawskyi

  Neoregelia zonata

Neoregelia'Macho' # 2

・ Neoregelia'Blueberry Pie'

Neoregelia'Don Garrison'

Neoregelia'Fire Ball'


Neoregelia'Hawaiian Lava Flow'

Neoregelia'Heat Wave'


Neoregelia'Manoa Beauty'

Neoregelia'Royal Bargandy'

Neoregelia'Sunday Picnic'

Neoregelia'Wine And Gold'


・ Quesnelia marmorata'Tim Plowman'

・ Vriesea saundersii

■ Other Plants

・ Aloe castilloniae

・ Aloe conifera

 ・ Aloe descoingsii

・ Aloe dhufarensis

・ Aloe dichotoma

・ Aloe dorotheae

・ Aloe ferox

・ Aloe marlothii

Aloe melanocantha var. Erinacea

・ Aloe peglerae

・ Aloe suprafoliata

・ Aloe vavbalenii

・ Bursera microphylla'Baja'

・ Gymnocalycium fried richii

・ Gymnocalycium riojense

・ Ledebouria crispa

・ Yucca carnerosana

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© 2018 Futamura Plants.

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